Summer Camp Counselor

Website Notchcliff Nature Programs
Summer Camp Counselors facilitate outdoor nature camps with children, working closely with a co-counselor, and in some cases, a parent volunteer or intern. Tasks include thoughtful implementation of nature-based activities and experiences that are guided by the children’s emergent interests. Counselors reflect on learning each day and document camps through photos and videos, as well as blog posts and/or emails to families. Counselors collaborate with other staff and/or volunteers to provide a fun outdoor camp experience that upholds state licensing requirements for primitive camps. Counselors set the tone for learning as engaged, enthusiastic role models of nature-based education while maintaining a safe, positive atmosphere.
This position requires a blend of qualifications. It is important to have an understanding of developmentally appropriate activities for young children as well as a basic understanding of natural history and/or environmental education. Candidates should possess curiosity, if not deep understanding, of the local ecosystem with a commitment to helping young children develop their ecological identities through inquiry and play while at nature camp.
Position requires personal and programmatic reflection, collaboration with teachers and parents, open dialogue about children’s progress, and interfacing with Glen Meadows Retirement Community partners and residents.
To apply for this job please visit