Jim Stufft
Jim Stufft retired from Montgomery County Public Schools after 43 years of dedication to environmental education and sustainability. Twenty-five of those years at the Lathrop E. Smith Environmental Education Center and most recently, 15 years with the MCPS Division of Sustainability and School Energy and Recycling Team (SERT) program. While at the Smith Center, Jim initiated and coordinated many permanent environmental education projects that have continuously supported the instructional program. In 2003, Jim assisted the Smith Center in becoming the first MAEOE Green Center in MD. Jim’s work with the SERT program began in 2005. Jim facilitated the SERT program in becoming a MAEOE Green Center and as such, has helped many MCPS schools become MD Green Schools. Jim has long believed in the MAEOE mission that every student should develop an appreciation for the natural environment and experience environmental education. Currently, Jim is the co-chair of the Green Schools Committee and continues to support the mission and vision of MAEOE.
To learn more about Jim visit his Twitter account @SERTGUY