COVID-19 Update and Maryland Green Schools/Center Applications
Maryland Green Schools/Center Applications
In support of the decision made by Governor Hogan and Dr. Karen Salmon, Superintendent of Maryland State Department of Education on March 12, closing Maryland schools for two weeks, MAEOE provides the following statement:
MAEOE is encouraging schools and centers to do all they can to meet the original Maryland Green Schools application deadline of March 17, 2020. However, if you are unable to turn your application in by that date due to the closure of schools, MAEOE will be accepting applications through April 3. We will begin reviewing applications as they are submitted. We will continue to monitor the situation and will revise as more information is provided.
We are also monitoring the longer-term health situation regarding our May 28th Youth Summit. We are listening to our Governor, MSDE, school systems, state agencies, the World Health Organization (WHO), and the Centers for Disease Control Prevention (CDC), to be prepared and to make decisions about the event.
At this time we are not cancelling the Youth Summit. We will continue to monitor the situation and provide updates if there are any changes.
Please take care of yourselves and each other.